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Vote for fun

A gamified voting platform on Linea that rewards participation with tokens, ensuring privacy and quality.



The Dapp is Here!

People are interested in knowing others' opinions on certain topics and have a strong desire to express support for viewpoints they like. Based on this idea, I created this website using Web3 technology, which offers several benefits.

First, decentralization ensures voting anonymity. Additionally, the token mechanism rewards those who propose votes and those whose votes win, increasing the fun of voting and encouraging greater participation.

The main features are as follows:

  1. Users earn tokens upon initial login and daily check-ins.
  2. Voting requires tokens, and users can only see the results after casting their votes.
  3. The winners of a vote receive a certain percentage of tokens from the losers, and the person who proposed the vote can also earn tokens.
  4. A reporting and appreciation mechanism will be established to enhance the quality of voting on the platform.
  5. Future plans may include a detailed voting page to allow for discussions between both sides.

Progress During Hackathon

Built core voting system with smart contracts on Linea Sepolia. Created modern UI using Next.js and Tailwind. Added wallet connection via RainbowKit. Implemented IPFS storage for proposals. Live on Vercel with basic voting features. Next steps: add token rewards, quality control, and analytics. Current features: proposal creation, vote tracking, and mobile support. Achieved efficient deployment and seamless Web3 integration.

Team Leader6619730086